Monday 23 September 2013

Unpaid work

Recently I got involved with the local charity, Enfield island Village Trust, that provides services to the Enfield Lock Ward.  By services I mean job clubs, over 50s, coffee mornings, youth training etc.  I have volunteered to help with their quarterly newsletter which will involve writing articles (my strong point) and taking photographs for the publication (my weaker point).

My first shoot was lat Friday when a Job Fair was held at the local community centre.  I would normally have avoided this kind of scenario due to the fact that it was an indoors shoot.  However, I have been gaining confidence in using flash lately and also with shooting more challenging situations.

The shoot presented me with a few problems.  There was three different types of light to deal with.  The building had large glass panels which let plenty of daylight in on one side of the room.  The other side was mainly fluorescent lighting.  Add my flash to that and I was beginning to find the going a little tough.  The ceilings were high and access to walls was limited so there was nowhere to bounce my flash off.  I had to use the diffuser and leave the flash on the camera.

I used both flash and higher ISO settings depending on where I was shooting in the room and I feel like it was a good combination for me to work with.

It's been a long time since I shot at any event like this - I think I would have to go back to my days at St Thomas' hospital in London when I worked in the Comms Office.  However, I feel that I managed to get some okay shots under the circumstances.  I think I learnt a lot from the experience and look forward to get involved in their next event.

I found the most challenging subjects the speakers.  It is extremely difficult shooting someone who is talking, to get their mouth in the right place and the hand gestures.  I shot most of my images of the speakers trying to get this right.

Some images from the day
I shot this from the mezzanine level.  Difficult to compose for due to unsightly beams in the way but I managed to get this shot.  The blank space in bottom right hand corner would be ideal for text.  
The importance for this shot was to get all the people in the frame and to make the milling about look natural.  

Using fill flash I shot into the bright light of the window here. 

The Mayor of Enfield

The Mayor of Enfield with Charity Trustee

The motivational speaker - Charles Kennedy

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