Monday 23 September 2013

Enfield Island Village football and the start of an interesting project

Another shoot on Saturday for The Islander the newsletter/magazine of Enfield Island Village Trust. This time it was a more interesting affair than the Job Fair the previous day.  Well more interesting for me.

The charity has provided funding for the local kids to have a soccer club that meets weekly in the common area. In addition, it has provided funding for some of these kids to do coaching qualifications like Hussein. He now coaches the younger kids in the village.

Hussein has benefited from the charity a great deal.  In addition to completing the coaching qualifications he has also completed C&G electrician courses.

This series of shots were taken for an article in the magazine that focuses on his footballing achievements.

I am now looking at doing some work with the other children who are part of the football club with a view to creating a series of images for the Trust website and for display in their community centre.  I think that this will raise the profile of the charity's work and in turn help to increase funding for the kids.

There are a few areas like parental consent that will have to be sorted out but the kids themselves were really keen to be involved.

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