Saturday, 27 October 2012

People unaware

The street is an arena for a wide range of human activity.  Street photography requires the least amount of equipment - camera (the more discreet the better) and a small bag.  The idea is to look less conspicuous so you can explore and shoot life on the streets.

In street photography nothing is pre-planned.  You have to rely totally on your powers of observation and anticipation.

True street photography requires you to shoot people without them knowing or without stopping for permission or to explain what you are doing.  This will ensure that you get a good view or situations that are real and natural.

Emphasis is on being unobtrusive, spotting potential good shots in advance and shooting quickly.  The trick is not drawing attention to yourself, move quickly and keep your equipment to a minimum.

It is all about preparation and anticipating the shot.  You need to be quick because often 'the shot' is a fleeting moment is gone as soon as you see it.

I have more experience of shooting on the streets that I have of shooting formal type portraits so I am looking forward to this part of the course.

Here are some of the images I have taken on the streets to date for other OCA courses and at leisure.

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