Sunday, 26 August 2012

Settings, backgrounds and locations

Portraits do not have to be restricted to showing the face or person alone.  We can also show the location especially when it is relevant to the person or is particularly interesting.

With the exception of the studio portrait where the shot is of a person with a blank background, all portraits of people take place in a definable setting.

The more importance given to the setting the smaller the person/subject will be in the frame.  This can be achieved by using a wide angle lens or by shooting from further away.

A suggested checklist for a setting:

  • Is it reasonably consistent in tone and features?
  • Does it complement or contrast the person? 
  • Does it need tidying and or cleaning? 
  • Are there unnecessarily distracting objects in view? Clashing colours, images and or words on posters etc? Do they add or subtract? 
It is important to fine tune these skills for hunting a location as you may not always have the time to do a detailed recce.  Perhaps it is a good idea to have a mental list of potential places for portraits so you always have something to fall back on.  

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